Monday, October 4, 2010

A moment, in great detail

It was 12:30pm and I was driving back to Darwin after a successful camping trip to Kakadu National Park. My boyfriend sits beside me and I grasp the wheel of my Toyota Corolla. Detour the sign says and I took it. Its a bit of a sketchy road with tarmac & dirt patches. There is plenty of traffic. I am doing about 90km/h

The Moment

I go over a small hill and hit a dirt patch and suddenly lose control of the vehicle Brendan yells "what are you doing" and the corolla swerves dangerously around the road. I panic scared that I will roll my car and try to control the slide whilst slowly pumping the brake. My car turns and I move into opposing traffic doing 360s in my car till I end up falling into a shallow ditch on the wrong side of the road.

The dust settles and Im still sitting there fear in my eyes as the cars speed by. Im surrounded by trees and traffic and yet somehow even though I did at least two consecutive 360s across opposing traffic into the bush Im alive. I didnt hit anything but a soft mound of dirt. Nobody is hurt, not even a scratch on the car.

"Im driving" Says Brendan.

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