Monday, January 12, 2009

erk agh yuck

Why does this god-forsaken flu continue to plague me!

I took the morning off work because i felt horrible. All night I was choked up with snot my throat was so swollen I could barely talk. When I stumbled out of bed at 8am I threw up a few times mainly just gag reflexing off the amount of snot in my sinuses! An antihistphime later and I was feeling a little better. Then I ended up at work about 3pm. Thank fuck its my Friday!

I tried something new the other day Soy Sauce KitKat! My Japanese co-worker (Taki) had a care package from her mum. Only the Japanese hey! I did not have high hopes for the salty chocolatey goodness but I couldnt turn down the opportunity to try right! Suprise Suprise it tasted a bit like white chocolate maple syrup and not a hint of soy. In fact I quite liked it.

On another exciting note my other co-worker Theresa worked her magic charms and I am now booked in for a free full day snowmobile tour on Wednesday! (fingers crossed the flu is over by then!) I'm trying to get Brendan in at a discounted rate but I dont know if I will be able to! Seriously if you ever come to Banff I reccomend booking with these people!!!!!! (actually book through me then I get comission!)

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