I can hear the waves move, I’m sitting outside at the Hopewell rocks waiting for the tide to come in so I can get a different view of the famous landmarks. But lets backtrack a little bit.
I actually got to sleep in a little bit yesterday morning, rose about 8am. After getting ready Ben toook me to a little spot known quite well to Rimouski locals. We did about a 2km hike up a mountain and I was not well. Its disappointing because I know that I am more then capable of hiking 2km without to much stress but the illness that has been plaguing me since Tiesto has gotten into my lungs. I think I have a pretty bad infection in there and I was coughing so much whilst trying to get up the hill I could feel pain in my lungs. I can honestly say I have never felt like this before so I was a little worried. However I was stubborn and already half way through the hike so refused to turn back. Ben kept saying we were almost there which drove me on though he lied a little bit :D. The view was worth the pain however a nice overlook of the area, we could have gone higher but I dont think I would have made it. He then took me to a waterfall which was amazing. I have seen plenty of tourist trap waterfalls and this one I think was better then nearly half of them. It really goes to show how amazing couchsurfing is, I see a different side of things and get to meet wicked people!
He also took me to a famous submarine and lighthouse, one of the actual tourist traps in the area. After the hike and sightsee I packed up my stuff, said goodbye and went on my way about 12pm. I felt sad I couldnt stay longer as we got on really well, we shared a love for trance music and passion for travel. Hopefully in the future sometime he will make it to Darwin.
Quebec especially further away from Montreal and QC is primarily a french speaking province and very few people actually speak english. So I waited until I crossed the border at New Brunswick which is offically a dual-speaking province and went to the pharmacy to get something for my lungs. I definately feel a little better today so here is hoping.
I stopped in Grand Falls, NB for lunch which was an amazing hand-made sub by moi with ham, spinach, tomato, cheese and red pepper & feta cheese hummas. SO GOOD. The falls were cool. After the falls I pretty much headed straight for Fredericton where I was staying with another couchsurfer, Charles. I had some trouble keeping a safe speed. The limit was 110 and I generally sit on about 20k over on highways but my silly jeep kept creeping up to 140km/h I dont want to be going to fast and get comfortable with it!
I got to Charles’s place about 7pm. Was happy to be out of the car after the five hours. Charles was fantastic, we both had the IT background to talk about and I felt comfortable opening up to him he was really easy going, gave me a few New Brunswick beers he also played me some songs on his guitar. He was a local NB his first language was french but you wouldnt have known. I found the NB local accent is very similar to the typical canadian accent like people from rural alberta & Saskatewan etc. People from Ontario tend to have an accent closer to the Americans. I was suprised because another NB local I had met in the Yukon had a very thick french accent. Charles mentioned closer to the north (Quebec) they tend to speak french more so that could explain it. Anyway went to bed about 11pm. I slept pretty well although did wake up in the middle of the night coughing like mad for about 45 minutes.
This morning I was up at 7am and out the door by 8am. The hopewell rocks low tide was 8:15am and you have a window of about a 3 hours in which to walk around before you are stranded. The weather was shit though, crazy fog pretty much the whole drive I did sit on around 130km/h anyway. I ran out of fuel and followed some signs to refuel but the fog got me confused and I couldnt find the petrol station and ended up in some random spot. I had to use the GPS to get me back on track. I made it to the rocks with about 10 minutes to spare I could see the tide coming in fast. I ran down to the beach and walked around the rocks for a bit. I lost my shoes in the mud.. anyway now im just chilling until the tide comes in a bit.