Saturday, November 14, 2009

All I want for christmas is my very own cowboy

Well I definitely saw a magical side of Texas. On arriving in Amarillo my host (owen) was going to be djing some funk in a local bar. I decided to come along for some fun. We picked up a friend of his (Pablo) a columbian artist. Owen went about doing his thing and I sat at the bar drinking and talking to Pablo. Owens brother Sam was there also and set up a projector to play silent kung fu movies. Halfway through the night I ended up in the parking lot in Sams car getting stoned with him and Pablo. I asked Sam if he had a gun and he pulls out this crazy shotgun from behind the seat haha. Needless to say the 5am wakeup call from the cats that morning, about five beers and the weed I began to pass out on the table. I had to fight to keep myself awake as we couldn't leave while Owen was Djing. I really need to stop getting stoned while drinking but when I'm drinking I always want to get stoned.

Friday I went to Palo Duro a big state park just on the outskirts for some hiking and sightseeing. It was a beautiful balmy 15-20C slightly overcast with a nice cool wind. I think it was then I really fell in love with texas. Just being outside and hiking the canyon was amazing. I was virtually alone surrounded by the most beautiful scenery. The canyon itself is impressive... I hiked about 12 miles all up and my legs are definately sore today but it put me in such a great mood.

So off to Colorado today to stay with my cousin Eddi & family.

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